online donations

All gifts to LCMNU are greatly appreciated! Please enter any amount you're able to give. Would you consider supporting us at one of the following levels?

$1,000 - Sustaining Donor - $1,000 goes a long way toward ensuring we can provide the staff, materials and facilities essential to supporting meaningful programming and support to our students now and for years to come.

$500 - Nourishing Donor - $500 is approximately how much the ministry spends monthly to feed students at our Wednesday Night Dinner Worship, Coffee Hours and other events.

$250 - Committed Donor - If 400 donors (individuals, organizations, congregations) gave $250 annually, all our fundraising needs would be met.

Please click on a “Give Now” button to donate to the fund of your choice. If you wish to contribute to multiple funds: put the first donation in your basket, then click the “Add To Gift” link. You can then add a second donation to your basket.

On behalf of LCMNU, thank you for supporting campus ministry!